Monday, January 9, 2012

Rambling Humorous Thoughts (1)

1. All of you Cologne and Perfume 'chokers' out there, please ease off on the amount that your throwing on your person every day...your only making the global warming crisis worse

2. This goes out to the fellas, Corn-rolls and Mohawk haircuts are officially outdated...2 years ago

3. the GOP is having a devil of a time finding the best Republican candidate that will eventually lose to President Obama in the '12 Nov. Election

4. NPR (National Public Radio) has the best collection of Eclectic Journalist names in the entire radio genre, here are a few names that will get your mind spinning with curiosity...Nina Totenberg, Kai Ryssdal, Lakshmi Singh, Steve Inskeep, Corey Flintoff...[it won't hit you right away but think about the names, repeat them to yourself a few times and then you'll start thinking "WTF"!]
if I was a NPR reporter, I would change my name to LLEDROC ECAP, just so I could fit in and feel unusually important!

'Random Thoughts' to be continued...soon

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