Wednesday, August 24, 2011

the Month of August is very Lonely

The month of August is the only month on the U.S. calendar that doesn’t have a major holiday…lets change that right now…I want you guys to write back in the comment section with suggestions on what we can celebrate, as a nation, for the month of August, every year…I’ll start it off with my own short suggestion list:

1. Black Astronaut Day (dedicated to the handful of minority Astronauts that have went into space but more importantly to the thousands of kids who dreamed of being astronauts growing up but ended up robbing strangers at gun point and forever criminalized in the justice system)

2. Toe Nail Clipper Day (dedicated to the very first person to find a toe nail clipping, that wasn’t theirs, in the bathroom sink)

3. Pick your Booger Day (dedicated to the very first guy or gal to pick their booger and eat it)

if you have one, leave it below and pass this blog posting along to others who might have a suggestion

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