Tuesday, April 13, 2010

the Obama Effect trickles up and down

I can only call it like it see it, the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, has made an impact on racial relations in this country. Now he's not the only one and I'm well aware there was mutual understanding of cultures between people of different ethnic backgrounds well before Obama decided to run for office. But this new wave of mixed-racial friendship is outstanding.

Here's a good example of it:

The other morning (5:30am) I was stopped at a light on a busy downtown L.A. street. My SUV along with a car next to me were the only cars on the street. I looked over and I saw a Asian guy driving and seated next to him was a Mexican gentleman. And it was a pretty long light so I had a chance to observe these guys and what I witnessed briefly was a happy exchange between 2 people that might not have happened a few years ago (especially out here in a still somewhat segregated Los Angeles)....now granted the Asian guys was giving the Mexican a 'hand job', stroking and jacking the guy's penis off but that's a minor technicality in the grander scheme of a proud moment of Racial Tolerance

Can't we all get along? Of course we can as long as sex is involved!!!

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